
A sleepy little city between a swamp and an ocean built in defiance of its inhospitable conditions
Driftwood is situated on the eastern edge of Nethrandil in the unnamed swamps that keep that region in a constant state of humidity and moisture. The dampness keeps the ground from being as solid as one would expect for a city to be built on top of i...

The home of the Dwarves and the bane of Orcus
The Gate District The city's gate, a colossal archway carved directly into the heart of the mountain, speaks to the audacity and the elemental defiance of the dwarven race. It stands in monolithic grandeur, a poignant symbol of Dun'Haldur's indomita...

The might and ingenuity of humanity in civil form
When humanity first learned to cut stones, it was on the land where Emberhall now stands. Emberhall is a bustling metropolis with a population of over 1 million people. It is a major center of trade, commerce, and culture. The city is known for its b...

The oldest, most beautiful, and most mysterious continent on Cronus
A popular vacation spot, Zefrisa is rumored to have been the first place on Cronus where life appeared. There are conflicting stories about the origin of intelligent life, but the most prominent one tells of the gods holding a contest to see who coul...

The Mycelial Glade
Those who disrespect the glade's delicate balance, who seek to exploit its power for their own ends, risk becoming part of the cycle themselves, another twisted offering to the ever-hungry heart of the grove.
The Mycelial Glade is a hidden glen, tucked away deep within Seldora Forrest. Sunlight fights to pierce the dense canopy overhead, dappling the forest floor in a mosaic of light and shadow. But unlike the usual gloom of a wooded area, this grove puls...