
The Onyx Tentacle of Cthulhu
A black onyx statuette of a single tentacle with eyes for suckers
The wielder of this artifact may call upon its power to cause any creature to fall unconscious and enter a fearful, nightmarish dream state. At the end of every turn (or every minute if not in combat) they can make a DC 15 CON roll to wake up. They h...

The Crown of Tharizdun
Madness is literally a state of mind
This jagged crown of twisted metal is rumored to have been created by Tharizdun, the god of madness and trickery, before the rest of the gods locked him away for conspiring with Cthulhu. It was gifted to the leader of the Cult of Tharizdun and used i...

The Staff of Orcus
Not to be confused with the Wand of Orcus
The creation of the Wand of Orcus was a joint effort between several prominent members of the Cult of Orcus during their time. It was intended as a gift to give Orcus upon his ascendancy, however, the plans to summon him never came to fruition. The s...

Breastplate of Tyr
The Hallow Dragon that owed his life to Tyr, serves him forever by serving they who wear his breastplate
This steel-forged breastplate is inscribed with the symbol of Tyr (a sword facing down with the guard bent down to form a Tiwaz (ᛏ)). Once per day, the one who is attuned to this breastplate may call upon its power to summon a Hallow Dragon who is ...

Hwanung's Garb
Shang-Ti vowed to protect Penglai's ruler if they ever proved worthy. So far... only one has.
During the creation of Penglai, Hwanung, a mortal, and one of Shang-Ti's first creations, helped Shang-Ti shape civilization and teach laws to their creation. After the War of the Gods, Shang-Ti recluded themself from the rest of the pantheon. They d...

The Ring of Mammon
Greed never dies, though the god thereof may be gone
Before the War of the Gods, Mammon, the god of greed, sought to defile Moradin's creation just to prove that he could. He created the Ring of Mammon as part of a bet to see how quickly it would corrupt whatever humanoid found it. When the War of the ...

Coin of Hoar
As justice is blind, so are her enemies to her
This coin was created especially for those who are deemed champions of Hoar. It allows swift justice to be wrought on their enemies by making their attacks more stealthy. At the will of the one attuned to this coin, it will allow light to pass right ...

The Skull of Myrkul
Myrkul, Lord of Bones, left only one of them as proof of his existence
Once the lord of the Hells, Myrkul fought for Orcus in the War of the Gods. His ambition, however, was to surpass Orcus and ascend to godhood himself. When Orcus learned of his treachery, he ripped Myrkul's skull from his skeleton body and tossed it ...

The Orb of Power
Moradin created this orb as a test
When Moradin created this orb, it was to see what its wielder would choose to do with it. For a person's true intentions can easily be ascertained when their goals are guaranteed. Upon activation, this orb will give its wielder +10 to every roll for...

The Quill of Truth
Where truth cannot be spoken, it may be written
When presented with a question and laid upon a piece of paper, this quill, if a true answer to the question exists, will write that answer on the paper. This is a god-touched item