
Darius Steam
An artificer who has seen the world and wants to fix it
Not much is known about the history of Darius Steam until the point at which he joined the Collective Learned Institutes of Protection, and he would tell you that before then there wasn't much to know. He was a lad in his mid-twenties when Robert Kah...

Don't let the nobility fool you. Em stands for adventure.
Anything that could possibly be known about Em is confidential. But anyone who meets her immediately gets a sense that she knows everything. And that she knows everything because she has been everywhere and seen everything. She currently sits as the ...

The road to ultimate power is paved with many perils
Shortly after the War of Establishment in which the gods sent Cthulhu to an eternal slumber deep beneath the ocean, the first mortal settlements began taking shape on the tropical continent of Zefrisa. The sturdy structures made from hewn stone were ...